Impact of high-intensity aerobic exercise on body composition in people with obesity



By 2030, 20% of the world's population will be older adults, half of whom will be obese, which will become a serious public health problem. Objective: This study was to evaluate the impact of high-intensity aerobic exercise on body composition in people with obesity or overweight. Methodology: The Scopus and Science repositories were searched using the PRISMA statement in September 2023. They were published in the last 5 years, including people who were overweight or obese. Result: a total of 25 final articles were released that met all the inclusion criteria. Research shows that high-intensity aerobic exercise as a single intervention for 8 to 12 weeks has a positive effect on people who are overweight or obese by reducing body fat, increasing muscle mass, improving fitness, and improving quality of life. . Conclusion: high-intensity aerobic exercise can be highly effective in improving body composition in people with obesity, as it promotes greater fat burning and improves muscle mass. In addition, this type of exercise contributes to the reduction of visceral fat and the improvement of metabolism. However, its implementation must be gradual and personalized to avoid the risk of injuries and ensure long-term adherence


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— Updated on 2024-09-03


How to Cite

Cañaveral Hernández, J. A., Caiquetan Simbaña, B. P., Elizalde Benalcázar, K. A., & Flores Cerón, L. O. (2024). Impact of high-intensity aerobic exercise on body composition in people with obesity. Revista Interdisciplinaria De Educación, Salud, Actividad Física Y Deporte, 1(2), 1–13. Retrieved from (Original work published May 10, 2024)


