Influencia de las actividades físico-recreativas en el bienestar subjetivo de los adultos mayores: revisión sistemática




physical-recreational activities, subjective well-being, older adults


Physical and recreational activities are essential for the subjective well-being of older adults, as they improve their physical and mental health, promoting socialization and increasing self-esteem. Objective: to analyze the influence of physical and recreational activities on the subjective well-being of older adults. Methodology: The methodology used was in accordance with the systematic review based on the PRISMA protocol. We started with an in-depth search in updated sources related to the topic, relying on academic search engines such as: Latindex, Redalyc, Dialnet, Scielo, Scopus, Google Scholar and Digital and Institutional Repositories. The selection process was based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, considering the topic's relevance and correspondence. The articles were framed within a time range (8 years) that included the year 2016-2024. Duplicate texts, invalid texts and those not associated with the topic were excluded. For its analysis, bibliographic analysis, the synthetic analytical method, and triangulation by source were used to guarantee the phases of the study. The study worked with a sample size of 15 articles. Results: The analysis of scientific production reveals that it focused mainly on the period from 2016 to 2022, covering 99.98% of the studies. It has been proven that physical-recreational activities have a positive effect on the subjective well-being of older adults. Conclusion: Population aging requires strategies to improve the quality of life of older adults. Recreational physical activity is essential for their well-being, raising physical, mental and self-esteem health, and promoting socialization. These activities are essential for healthy aging.


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How to Cite

Columba Alomoto, J. S., Tupiza Sangucho, J. L., Gualavisi Lema, C. D., & Carpio Paucar, J. R. (2024). Influencia de las actividades físico-recreativas en el bienestar subjetivo de los adultos mayores: revisión sistemática. Revista Interdisciplinaria De Educación, Salud, Actividad Física Y Deporte, 1(3), 61–78.


